"Mahābhārata - Sana 1197, Phālguna 15, [February 27, 1791] (f. 617v)."

Complete text of this regional variant of the well known epic in Sanskrit and Bengali. Throughout the work, though rather sporadically, there are scribal doodles of animals, stylized human figures in various poses, as well as other decorative designs. The author Sañjaya is mentioned in notes accompanying the manuscript and in the manuscript itself (f. 101v); however Kavīndra is also mentioned (f. 181r) but may simply be a reference to the King of poets an be a reference to either Sañjaya or Vyāsa, author of the original Sanskrit epic rather than to the alternate Bengali epic by an author of that name. Images for folio 104 verso and folio 374 verso are missing. Cotton and wood pulp paper; poor condition, unbound. 17 x 46 cm; 620 folios; wooden covers and supplementary notes. Owner of original material: Cuḍāmani Vanikya and Rāmaprasāda Vanikya. Author: Sañjaya. Scribe: Cuḍāmani Vanikya and Rāmaprasāda Vanikya.