La Argentia Asociación Filantrópica

Description: In Argentina the existence and activities of private non-profit organisations existed before the conformation of the national state in the second half of the 19th century. These associations looked for the public good and actively intervened in the cultural, relief aid, and social politics, Despite different and even confronting ideologies, ethnic background and nationalities, religious or anti-clerical positions, many with a decisive participation of elite or lower-class women, the philanthropic associations were part of the relationship between the state and the civil society in Argentina. Their ideology was the social action that survived until the state action and its intervention tool place. In contrast to Uruguay and similar to the case of Brazil, the philanthropic associations included religious, liberal, and masonic societies so much so that philanthropy, charity, and beneficence were synonymous. See, Andrés Thompson, El tercer sector en la Argentina, CEDES: Buenos Aires, 1994. Extent and format of original material.