Provincial Treasury Accounts' Office: Expenditure Accounts (Second Section), 1872

The book contains expenditure accounts of the Second Section of the Provincial Treasury Accounts' Office, in 1872. It includes: register of payments to privates of the Pernambuco Province police force; payments to construction workers employed in the provincial office building located at street Visconde de Pelotas; payment of construction workers employed in the pavement of streets Conde D’Eu and Duque de Caxias; payment of workers employed in whitewashing and painting of the capital city's prison; payment for services of the Typografia do Jornal da Parahyba; payment for medical services at the city jail; payment to National Guard soldier in Villa de Alagoa Grande; among others.

Created by the Provincial Treasury.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 203 folios, in addition to front and back cover. Manuscript book with original hardcover. Damaged by insects, acid paper, and iron gall ink. Some folios are torn. Numerated through folio 200.

Creator (Author): Manoel odorico cavalcante de Albuquerque, chefe da Contadoria do Tesouro Provincial.