Land Grants (sesmarias)/ Land Registers, 1757 - 1764

The volume contains land grant (sesmaria) records from 1757 to 1764. Petitioners include: José Pereira da Cruz, Coronel Manoel de Vasconcelos de Figueiredo, Alferes Izidro Pereira Gondim, Mariana Rabêllo de Carvalho, Manoel Duarte Ribeiro, João Pereira Dutra, Capitão Manoel Pereira Maior, Reverendo Padre Mathias Mendes Viana, Thomaz de Araujo Pereira, and others. The requests came from the captaincy of Paraíba, specifically in the sertão de Piancó, among others. Reasons given to request land include the discovery of land at own cost and the need for more land for livestock and crops. The lands were granted in the Aldeia Velha de Marapitanga, Riacho Salgado, Riacho Seco, Riacho Olho D’Agua, Serra Cupahoba, Riacho Marajaí, Serra do sítio Cataê, Gentio do Caruhá, Sítio Genipapo, and others. Lands were three leagues wide and one long and were described as fallow or owned through donation. Donations were granted under the administrations of Luis Antonio de Lemos de Brito (1757-1758), Jozé Henrique de Carvalho (1759) and Francisco Xavier de Miranda Henriques (1763-1764).

Created by the Paraíba Captaincy's Government.

Extent and format of original material: 1 manuscript volume of 294 folios, in addition to front and back covers. . Manuscript book, with non-original hardcover. Severely damaged by insects, acidity of the paper and iron gall ink. Numerated through folio 291.

Creator (Author): Capitães mores Luis Antonio de Lemos de Brito, Jozé Henrique de Carvalho, Francisco Xavier de Miranda Henriques.