Land Grants (sesmarias), 1728 -1738

The book contains land grant (sesmaria) records from 1709, 1713-1715, 1723, 1727, 1728-1738, and 1739-1742. Petitioners include: Clemente de Amorim de Souza, Captain Bento Bertoni da Costa, Deanna da Fonsêca Gondim, Comissoner Theodoro Alves de Figueiredo, Captain-Major (Capitão-mor) Domingos Velho Barreto, Domingos Alves da Costa, Captain Thomaz D’Araújo Pereira, Colonel Mathias Soares Ferreira, Father João de Viveiros Pessoa, and others. Requests came from residents of the captaincy of Paraíba and of Pernambuco, including from the sertão de Piancó, the Villa do Príncipe, and others. Reasons given to justify requests include the discovery of lands at own cost and the need for more land for livestock and crops, including sugar cane. Lands granted were located in Porteira, Ribeira do Curimataú, sertão) do Rio do Peixe, sertão de Piancó, Caroá, Serra do Urussú, Serra da Borborema, Forno, between the rivers of Mumbaba and Gramame, and others. Lands were three leagues wide and one long and were described as fallow or gained through donation. Donations were offered under the administration of Pedro Monteiro de Macêdo (1738-1739), Antonio Caetano Pereira, and João d’ Abreu de Castelo Branco (1727).

Created by the Paraíba Captaincy's Government.

Extent and format of original material: 1 manuscript volume of 203 folios, in addition to front and back covers. . Manuscript book, with non-original hardcover. Some folios are torn. Volume is numerated through folio 193.

Creator (Author): Pedro Monteiro de Macêdo, Antonio Caetano Pereira, João d’ Abreu de Castelo Branco.