Chanchin Tha Marka Ziak. The Gospel of Mark [1905]

This booklet contains a chapter-by-chapter Lushai commentary on and explanation of the Gospel According to Mark. This is one of the earliest available Gospels from Lushai Hills, although the handwritten date given on the final page (1905) is questionable. The British Library's Main Catalogue contains: Marka Evangel: St Mark's Gospel, in Lushai [Translated by E Rowlands] Madras : S.P.C.K. Press, 1906. It is thus unclear whether this chapter-by-chapter commentary on the Gospel was released before or after missionary E. Rowland's actual version of the Gospel itself.

One bound booklet, measuring 165mm x 100mm.

Generally good. Some small holes are evident in the pages towards the end of the booklet.