Buku Pelajaran Fara’idh Dengan Yang Mulia Raja Haji ‘Umar ibni al-Marhum Raja al-Haji Hasan Riau Pulau Penyengat di Kampung Baru dimulai pada malam jam pukul 8 [10 Oktober 1912]

Notes on inheritence law in accordance with Islamic law taught by Umar ibni Raja Hasan di Kampung Baru Pulau Penyengat. Starts with ‘lesson no. 4’ and ends with lesson no. 14.

Notes: Handwritten manuscript in black and red ink and pencil, in good condition. Written in blue ruled note book made by G.C.T. van DORP & Co-, Semarang – Soerabaia. Thin blue cover with thread binding. Except the lessons we also find concept letters addressed to Radja Djomaat bin Raja M. Thaher di Terimpa (Tarempa), and Datuk Amir Bitan di Riouw Penyengat. And a note about crops planted at a plantation in Sungai Lepa, Bintan, with the incurred costs. It also contains 21 pages with a diversity of notes on calculations around inheritence and genealogy. The author Raja Haji ‘Umar Raja Umar Umar bin Hasan Riau Raja Haji Umar Raja Hasan mentioned in the title is the grandson of Raja Ali Haji through his son Raja Hasan. He is knwon as author of a few other works as well: Ibu di Dalam Rumahnya Bahwa Inilah Risalah yang Dinamakan Ibu di Dalam Rumahnya, published by Mathba’at al-Ahmadiah, 50 Mint Road, Singapura, in 1926, of which he acted as manager till his death on Rabu 27 Rabiul-Awal 1347 AH or 12 September 1928. He was buried at Perkuburan Qasim Keling, Batu Enam, Siglap, Singapura.