A statement of D. O. I. Cornelius, Architect, first official at Dept of Water management (Architect Eerstaanwezend Waterstaats Ambtenaar), that Phillip Dias has been working as a clerk at the dept of...

Digital images of a statement of D. O. I. Cornelius, Architect, first official at Dept of Water management (Architect Eerstaanwezend Waterstaats Ambtenaar), that Phillip Dias has been working as a clerk at the dept of water management in Tanjungpinang since November 1927. The statement is signed by Cornelius in black ink and we also find an oval stamp in blue ink of the Eerstaanwezend Waterstaats Ambtenaar Riau. Watermark: Image of a man holding a line in a circle with the wrtiting:BOEKHANDEL VISSE & Co -BATAVIA.