سجرة كنجڠ نبي محمد

This manuscript which seems to be collectively owned by a group of mocopat readers as the stamp says, Seni Mocopat Gotong Royong Kecamatan Kalisat, contains three texts. They are Sejarah Kanjeng Nabi Muhammad, Pandawa, and Rokat Prayers. The first two took forms of tembang (verse forms in Javanese Literature to which a reader appllied one of known tunes). Sejarah Kanjeng Nabi Muhammad, as the title implies, tells about the life of Prophet Muhammad from birth to death. At last page of the text, there are notes in Latin which says: Ya Syakuro Kalisat tgl 26-8-1968. In the beginning of the second text, there are notes on the copying act time in Perso-Arabic script with Javanese language: (Atulis layang punika ba'da mulud wulanira isnin pahing ping pat likur tanggalira yen tanggal umum punika kaping tiga tanggalira nuju agustus wulane sewu sangang atus iko suwidak papat punjulnya/ ditulis surat ini Ba'da Mulud bulannya Senin Pahing 24 tanggalnya jika tanggal umum ini tiga tanggalnya ke bulan agustus bulannya 1900 itu tahunnya 64 lebihnya). The text tells about the life of Pandawa family. The third text is Rokat Prayers means prayers read after the act of ngrokat/ruwat/purification. The are three rokat prayers with Bismillah in the beginning. Each text consists of 15 rows per page. It uses black and red ink with rubricating. There can be found black masking tape on the side of cover. Sejarah Nabi Muhammad is usually use when there is biasa dibaca ketika arisan rokat, while cator Pandawa is usually used in rokat pandawa.

Extent: 1 plain paper manuscript.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height: 21,5 cm., Width: 16 cm.