Collection of Soekarso/Khoi

Soekarso/Khoi who is a rokat leader owns 16 manuscripts entitled Nurbuat,Kanjeng Nabi Muhammad, Serat Cariyosipun Sawunggaling, Ingkang Dados Senopatinipun, Sejarah Nabi Yusup, Samaun, Carita Yusup, Carita Cendek Raden Martasiya, Hikayat Sawunggaling, Ki Supa, Sultan Balarul Qamar, Raden Arya Umarmadi, Serat Jaka Tole, Caritanipun Nabi Yusup, Carita Bilkaos, and Jaka Tole. Custodial history: All the collections are inheritanced from Soekarso's/ Khoi's father Khadari the profession of which is similar to Soekarso's/Khoi's; that is a rokat reader. Arrangement: Arranged alphabetically by location and then the owner, arranged by principal aplicant.