[Comprobantes de cuentas 1880-1965]

It contains a set of documents from different subjects and periods (1880-1965). Among them stands out a docket referring to the accounts of the Instituto de Caridad [Institute of Charity] between 1964 and 1965. The latter contains ballots and vouchers related to the payment of basic services, deposits in the Banco Edwards [Edwards Bank] current account, purchase of medical supplies, payment of insurance, tenant lists, among other topics. It does not have a formal title.

Contiene un conjunto de documentos de diferentes materias y épocas (1880-1965). Entre ellos destaca un legajo referente a las cuentas del Instituto de Caridad entre 1964 y 1965. Este último contiene boletas y comprobantes relacionados con el pago de servicios básicos, depósitos en la cuenta corriente del Banco Edwards, compra de insumos médicos, pago de seguros, listados de arrendatarios, entre otras temáticas.

Extent: 1 manuscript containing 1.211 folios.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 37cm, width 26cm, depth 14cm.

Condition of original material: Regular. The documents are dirty and wrinkled. They are not pasted nor do they have any type of system or support that covers and protects them (box, folder, bag, paper, etc.).

Author(s)/Creator(s): Various authors, depending on the nature of each document. Examples: Carlos Echeverría Reyes; Francisco Irarrázaval; Joaquín Irarrázaval; Carlos Llona; etc.

External reference: AHDD00070.