
A complete copy of the foundational work of Vedānta, attributed to sage Bādarāyaṇa, in four books (adhyāya) divided as follows: 0 to 7v: 1st adhyāya; 7v to 15r: 2nd adhyāya; 15r to 24r: 3rd adhyāya; 24r to 34v: 4th adhyāya.

Custodial history: Former ownership is not known.

Extent and format of original material: 44 leaves, among which 9 are left blank.

Physical characteristics: Size: W 4.3 L 15. 2 string holes; 2 wooden covers; 1 string (modern).

Owner(s) of original material: Brahmaswam Madham, Thrissur.

Author(s) of original material: Attributed to Bādarāyaṇa.

Scribe of original material: Unknown.