Канон по единоумершему

The manuscript contains a text of a canon on the deceased, which is a part of a service for dead. A part of 90 psalm is before the canon.

Список представляет текст канона об умершем, входящий в чин панихиды. Перед текстом полного канона помещен фрагмент псалма 90.

Extent: 1 volume containing 15 folios + 2 modern folios put in after restoration. Several folios are lost, the first - may be taken from another manuscript.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 19,1 cm, width 11,9 cm, depth 0,4 cm.

Condition of original material: The manuscript was restored in 1979. A new binding from cardboard and linen was made. All folios were pasted up.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region in 1965.

Publisher(s): Бубнов Н.Ю., Копанев А.И. Отчёт об археографической экспедиции Библиотеки АН СССР 1965 г. В: Материалы и сообщения по фондам Отдела рукописной и редкой книги Библиотеки Академии наук СССР. М., Л.: «Наука», 1966. С. 203, № 42 (Bubnov N. Yu., Kopanev A.I. Otchet ob arkheographitcheskoj ekspedicii Biblioteki AN SSSR 1965. In: Materialy i soobschenija po fondam Otdela rukopisnoj i redkoj knigi Biblioteki Akademii nauk SSSR. Moscow, Leningrad, 1966. S. 203, No 42).

Keywords: Old Believers, Rites and ceremonies.