Триодь постная, фрагмент

The manuscript contains an extract from the Lent Triodion: from the beginning of the evening service on the 6th week of Lent (without first and partly second sticheron) and complete morning service up to the paremii of prophet Isaiah.

Рукопись включает фрагмент Триоди постной: начинается почти с начала (без первой и части второй стихир) вечерней службы 6-ой недели Великого поста, и включает утреннюю службу полностью до паремийного фрагмента из пророка Исайи.

Extent: 4 folios (2 of them are formated in half from one) without cover in a folder.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 28,7 cm, width 20,1 cm; depth 0,1 cm.

Condition of original material: The first and 4th folios are separated, all folios have paper losses and tearings on the borders.The set in 2017 passed chemical and biologocdal examination and was put in tha folder, made from special cardboard.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region in 1980.

Keywords: Old Believers, Rites and ceremonies.