
Hālatunnabi is a popular text in the Muslim community of the Cāchār region of Āssām. According to the poet, the text in manuscript form was completed in 1262 Bengali Era (1853 Common Era). It narrates, in 'Payār' and 'Tripodi' verse, the story of Creation and writes in detail the life of the prophet Muhammad and his ascension to heaven. It gives a vivid description of hell.

The text reflects an expert handling of Islamic genealogical accounts. Significantly, the poet shows a concern for accuracy and refers to the Arabic and Persian texts on which he has based his narration.

The original printed volume is undated. It measures 213mm x 135mm. The main text appears on pages 27-253 and this is all that has been copied, along with the front and back covers of the book. The title page is missing from the original.