Prime Minister Mohan Shamsher with his sons-in-law from India and his family on the occasion of his 'Rajya Abhishake' (Coronation) in 1948 at Singha Durbar. (Standing from left): Yuvaraj of Patan, Rao...

Prime Minister Mohan Shamsher with his sons-in-law from India and his family on the occasion of his 'Rajya Abhishake' (Coronation) in 1948 at Singha Durbar. (Standing from left): Yuvaraj of Patan, Rao Raja of Samode, Yuvraj Samode, Maharaja of Patan, Yuvaraja Rudi of Basi, Maharaja Mohan Shumsher, Gen. Shanker Shumsher, Youngest son of Maharaja of Patan, Yuvraj Khujargao, Gen. Sarada Shumsher, Gen. Bijaya Shumsher, General Sridhar Shumsher (negative broken). (Seated ladies from the left): Maharani Jaiselmer, Maharajkumari Samode, Maharani Charkhari, Rani Patan, Rani Mohan Shumsher, Maharajkumari Patan, Rani Shanker Shumsher, Maharani Khujargao, Rani Sarada Shumsher, Rani Bijaya Shumsher, Maharajkumari Patan, Maharani Kashmir. Children seated: Great- grandsons and daughters of Maharaja Mohun Shumsher, third from right is the young Pashupati SJB Rana with his twin sisters Ganga and Jamuna.