
A picture of a church Below on the left landscape with a banana plantation in the middle a small hut and one tree in the fore ground. Below on the right is a newspaper cut out of a dead bishop. Extent of original material: 3 black and white prints mounted on paper. first and the third are reproductions Recto: Edith yatuwereza akapapula akokufa kwa bishop Willis nga ali Bungereza 5.12.54 Edridadi Mulira yeyakaleta nakafananyike (Edith sent a newspaper cut out reporting the death of Bishop Willis from London and Edridad Mulira delievered it with the picture) Recto: St Paul's Cathedral, London,. Physical condition of original material: first photograph: 9x14cm, lower left photograph: 6.5x10cm, lower right photograph: 5.5x7cm.