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Two postcards mounted into the notebook. The first one shows a tight line formed by men in uniform. They all hold guns that are resting on the ground. Someone is holding a flag. Behind them tents are forming a camp. The second postcard shows a (dirt) road with palms on the sides. On the left you can see houses behind the palms and other trees. In de distance people are walking along the road which leads to a building. Before the building there is a tower from a few meters high. Extent of original material: 2 postcards mounted into the notebook. Physical condition of original material: both 8.8x13.8cm, folds, paper stuck to it Recto: '4 - Est Africain Allemand (Occupation Belge) - Duitsch Oost Afrika (Belgische Bezetting) - Kigali - Parade de Garde - Wacht Parade. Recto: '3 - Congo Belge - Belgisch Congo - Rutshuru - Le Poste - Het Wachthuis'