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Four photographs mounted on black paper. In the left upper corner a portrait of Prince Henry Kimera. Below a photograph of Rebecca Mulira, also a portrait. In the upper right corner a group picture of several people at a party, telling from the drinks they are holding in their hands. Below is a photograph of a (white) man sitting on steps in a garden, holding a baby in his hands, on his lap. In the background a dog walks past. Extent of original material: 4 black and white prints mounted on black paper (1 of 6x7.5cm, 1 of 7x9cm, 1 of 6x9cm and 1 of 8.5x13cm). Physical condition of original material: 15x20cm, glue damage, folds, tears. On recto: Verso: 'Yours Sincerely .. '. Verso: 'Rebecca. sister'. (handwritten notes on three photos).