Lay people [May 1956]

Members of the executive council(for the therm 1951-1954) of the Union Bhddua Sasana council,which is supporting the Cattha Sangkhayana Bhikkhus with the four requisites,.Front row-left to right,(1)U Ba Swe,officer on special duty,religious affiars minitry,honorary general secretary;(2) U Chan Htoon,attorney-general (now judge of the supreme court),honorary general secretary;(3) U Ba Din,treasurer;(4) U Win,miniter for religious affiars and national planning;(5) U Thwin,president of the Union Buddha Sasn council;(6) U Thein Maung,chief justice of the Union and vice-president of the Sasana council;(7) U Ba Khin,auditor;(8) U Ohn Pe,(9) The Sawbwa of Sanka;.Middle row-left to right,(10) U Sin Shein,honorary secretary of Zetiyingana association;(11) U Thein Aung (Mandalay);(12) U San Nyun;(13) U Ba Khin (Khachin state);14) U Po Mya,honorary secretary of the Pariyatti Nuggaha association;(15) U San Pe,president of Abhidhamma society,Rangoon;(16) U Tun Aung,retired session judge;(17) U Maung Maung Galay(Mandalay);(18) U ba Aye (Kayah state).Back row-left to right,(19) u Tin Aung,assistant director of religious affiars,upper Burma;(20) U Kyi Pe,Pathamagyaw,director of religious affiars;(21) U Myint Han,religious officer,upper Burma;(22) U Ee Khwet;(23) U San Nyun(karen state);(24) U San Yee (Mandalay);(25) Thakhin Nyun., in occasion the sixth Sanghayana conference proceedings in May,1956 ,(see Nr.H1037).

Original material consist of: monochrome halftone print.