Monk individual portrait [May 1956]

Sixth Buddhist council congratulatory address by Ven.Bhaddanta Candamuni,Said:I have much pleasure in having opportunity to address this gathering in the capacity of a Sangiti-karaka Maha Thela and also as a representative of the Burmese Bhikkhus residing a Kusinara. We are very joyous to have noticed that we ourselves are the Burmese Bhikkhus who are striving their best to revive Buddhism in India-a country where the omniscient Buddha arose and where Buddhism had died out for a long time. Just in the midst of economic and other hardship as the direct result of a disastrous war,the Union Buddha Sasana council on behalf of the government of the Union of Burma,and the devout people of Brma still could hold this Sangkhayana with an object of keeping alive the Buddha Sasana ot stand for 2500 Years,and following the procedures adopted by King Ajatasattu and emperor Asoka.We cannot but admire the devoutness on the part of the Union Buddha Sasana council and the people of Burma,and we exclaim'' Sathu'', ''Sathu'' May,1956,(see Nr.H1037).

Original material consist of: monochrome halftone print.