Text/document [May 1956]

Message from The Supreme patriarch of Laos,His Holiness Dhammayano (Bunthan) of Vat Mai Suvannaphumaram Luang Prabang ''The gist said:'' My deepest veneration His Excellency patriarch and lay Burmese with all representatives,I'm very glad with this occasion opening the Maha Sangkhayana conference and its biggest auspicious for all Buddhist of the world and Burmese and Lao particularly,But on behaft i really apologize that could not come to join and i send my five representatives both Thela and laypeople with sending the Buddha image '' Prabang''to offer in this occasion,this image figure is left the two arms up that means (stop fighting).opening the Sangkhayana conference is propagation and patronaging to maintenance the Buddha Sasana institution lives long as long to era 5000 years.I hereby,on behaft of the Lao people,bless the success of the conference and at the same time i pray for all the excellent representatives happiness.....Thank you!,The Sixth Sangkhayana Buddha Jayanti celebrations that held in Burma.in May,1956,(see Nr.H1037).

Original material consist of: monochrome halftone print.