Pha Khamchan Virachitta Maha Thela [1971]

The Sangkha and laypeople from Luang Prabang been pilgrimage the Buddha places in Thailand.(2nd from left);Pha Oun Heuane Hasapanya Maha Thela,former abbot of Vat Nong Si Khun Meuang,Pha Khamchan Virachitta Maha Thela,former abbot of Vat Saen Sukharam,(the 8th).Mrs.Ounheuane Ban Phon Heuang,(9th).Mrs.Phya Somchan Ountuang Ban Vat Saen.the photo was taken in April,A.D.1971,(see Nr.A1587-A1600).

Original material consists of: colour halftone print.