Pha Khamchan Virachitta Maha Thela [2002]

Pha Khamchan Virachitta Maha Thela,forme abbot of Vat Saen Suakram Luang Prabang arrives at Luang Prabang airport,he flied from Burma after received the '' Pha Akka Maha Satthamma Chotikatasa'' honorary rank position from the Buddhist Fellowship Organization and government of Burmese.,and the laypeople been offer welcome for him.,(From left to right);Thit Phoui from Ban Phonsai,Thit Phoui from Ban Pha Kham,Thit Niaw from Ban Pa Bath Tai,Khamsay from Ban Choumkong,Peng from Ban Vat Saen,(Unidentified),Utai from Ban Vat Tath,(Unidentified),Pha Khamchan Virachitta Maha Thela of Vat Saen Sukharam,Pha Khamsao,Abbot of Vat Nong Si Khun Meuang in present A.D. 2010,the photo was taken in March,A.D.2002,Pha One Ta Santapanya Maha Thela\Keopanya,former abbot of Vat Manorom,Pha Chantarin Chinnathamma Maha Thela,Abbot of Vat Poukuay in present A.D. 2010.,the photo was taken in April,5th, A.D. 2010.

Original material consists of: chromogenic print.