Monks group portrait [2003]

The corpse procession ceremony of Pha Dr Singthong Thitathammo\Banleusak,former abbot of Vat Lao Buddharam in San Diego city,California U.S.A.The cremation held on November 14th,A.D.2003.(Biography):He was born in Luang Prabang province,After ordained as a monk moved to live at Vat Dongmeing Sikounvieng Vientiane as an abbot in about the1950 and he is a closed-up pupil of His Holiness Dhammayana Maha Thela Vat Mai Suvannaphumaram Luang Prabang,The Supreme patriarch of Laos,.After 1975,He left Laos to lives in United States,at San Diego city.California till death in 2003.

Original material consists of: silver gelatine DOP print.