Monastery/architecture [1960s]

The monks and laypeople posing for a portrait.(row of monk from left-right);Two of first unidentified.Pha Chanpheng Phalittathamma Maha Thela,Abbot of Vat Mai Suvannaphumaram in present A.D.2010.Pha Maha Anurat Buddhalakkito Vat Sop.Pha Khamchan Virachitta Maha Thela,former abbot of Vat Saen Sukharam.Pha Xaysamut Chotika Maha Thela,former abbot of Vat Pha Phon Pao and the two left unidentified.the photo was taken the 1960s.

Original material consists of: silver gelatine DOP print.