Buddha statue/image [1996]

From left to right: Phra Ajan Somsay (Ki), Abbot of Vat Khonta in Vientiane, Sathou Sounthone, Abbot of Vat Sop Sikkharam and Sathou Onkeo Kittiphattho, Abbot of Vat Pak Khan posing for a portrait in the main hall of Vat Saen Sukharam during attending 76th Birthday Anniversary Celebration of Sathou Nyai Khamchan Virachitta Mahathera, Abbot of Vat Saen Sukharam on the 10th day of waxing moon in the 11th month of Buddhist calendar in B.E. 2539, corresponds to 22nd of October, 1996.

Original material consists of: chromogenic print.