Buddha statue/image [2002]

Invitation Phra Marn Buddha statue to wash ceremony* at Vat Xiengthong in 2002, heads by Sathou Nyai Onkeo Kittiphattho (in front), Abbot of Vat Pak Khan and Vat Xiengthong. This photo shows that Sathou Nyai Onkeo Kittiphattho leading monks and novices of Vat Xiengthong and lay people of Ban Xiengthong going in procession of Pra Marn Buddha statue around the Sim (main hall) for three rounds before placing Pra Marn to a watering hall that was prepared in front of the Sim. ................................................*Invitation Phra Marn Buddha statue to wash ceremony has practiced in every year after finishing the Lao New Year. Prabang Buddha statue washing ceremony is held before Phra Marn, Prabang washing ceremony is held at Vat Mai Suvannaphoumaram for three days after that Phra Marn washing ceremony is held at Vat Xiengthong and it lasts for a week. People of Luang Prabang believe that on the day of invitation Phra Marn to wash, there is a very strong wind and rain to pronounce that today Buddhist monks and novices of Vat Xiengthong have an invitation Phra Marn to wash. In addition, Phra Marn calling for rain to bring a moistness to people of Luang Prabang.

Original material consists of: chromogenic print.