Monastery/architecture [1960s]

Phra That Luang stupa in Vientiane is the glory of Lao people. The first stupa was buillt in B.E.236 (B.C 307) by the first king of Vientiane, Phaya chanthabouri Pasitthisack or Burichan. It was for contain the relic of Buddha (the chest bone of the Buddha) in B.E.2109 (C.E.1566). Then Phachao Sayasettha Thirath built the Phra That Luang stupa, bigger one and covered the old small stupa. It is 45m height, north and south foot of the stupa is 61.30m width, east and west foot of the stupa is 58.48m width. The top of the stupa look like a young lotus or a banana flower. It is beautiful art decoration which also the symbol of architecture in Lao Lang Xang in the former time and called Phra That Tuloka Chulamane (the stupa which is contained the chest bone of the Buddha). It was badly destroyed during colonisation by Siam, until 1929 (B.E. 2472), Mr. Form Bae Tos, a Frenchman who was a chairman of an archaeologist association asked to repair it. It took six years to complete and it was repaired again in 1953 during the reign of King Sisavangvong in 1960s.

Original material consists of: silver gelatine DOP print.