Travel [1971]

This photo was taken at Luang Prabang airport in 1971. first from the left: unknown woman, Ms Phier Khamsao Oupalavan of Ban Lrak Kham (older sister of Sathou Nyai Khamchan), Ms Phier Somchan Kittivong his house is in front of Vat Saen, Ms Ounheuan of Ban Phoneheung, Sathou Nyai Khamchan Virachitto, abbot of Vat Saen Soukhamram and Sathou Nyai Ounheuan Hasapanyo of Vat Nong Sikhounmouang. There is message in the back that: " Luang Prabang airport in 15th waning moon day of 12th months in B.E.2513 of Lunar calendar ".

Original material consists of: chromogenic print.