Monastery/architecture [1954]

Pra That Luang(view the north west side).erected in about 236B.E by Ashokan.King of India,at the same time he sended two Indian monks to Laos as:Pra Sona and Pra Outara came to lives.When King Sethathirat moved the Lan xang capital from Luangprabang to Vientiane in mid-16th century, in 2103 B.E then he ordered the construction Pra that luang to complete in 2109 B.E.with lao art style.its full official name,Pra Chedi well as 30 small stupas symbolising the 30 Buddhist perfection(Palamii Saam Sip Thaat).the first level is an approximately square base measuring 68m by 69m that supports323 lotus(Siima),high 45m,the second level is 48m by 48m and is surrounded by 120 lotus and 288 (Siimaa)(ordination stone).This photo was taken in 1954.(text from the BuddhaVongsa book,Bi-monthly of the Maha BuddhaVongsa Organization.the 5th time.second year.Feb .2504 B.E,and lao Lonely plannet 2008).

Original material consists of: monochrome halftone print.