Lay people [1990]

New year Baci ceremony in 1990. ,Life-cycle ceremonies are home based and often focus on assisting an individual rather than his or her community.Most involve a Baci,some element are common to all life-cycle events in Laos,and the most important of these is basi,The Basi (also known as Su Khwan - strengthening of the Khwan) function to repair and sustain individual Khwan (souls).It is very difficult be disagreeable to some body when you are constantly tying strigs on each other's wrists and wishing them well,While essentially Lao and involving lao pre-Buddhist beliefs,There are 12 cases involve Basi ceremony as:-Birthdays,wedding party,warming house party,new year ( for family,head of village,leader).baby warming ceremony in first 30 days,visiting of guests,ill symptom,funeral,send children or family member to study abroad,be frightened, ordination monk,watering promotion monk,(for monk not tying wrist bless and wish only),The master of ceremonies ties the first threads on the principal focus-person of the ceremony, any other language will do,somebady ties your right hand hold your left hand in a half-nop,if your left wrist is ties,raise your right hand,if both wrists are being tied at same time,it means that you are popular..,(Text from The Lao and Laos... and you by Robert Cooper,published Lao-insight books May.2008 in Vienttiane Laos ).This photo was taken in 1990.

Original material consists of: chromogenic print.