Monastery/architecture [1954]

Khwaen Pagoda (hanging stupa) in Hongsavadee, Burma. Sathou Nyai Khamcha Virachitta Mahathera, Abbot of Vat Saen Sukharam, went there to pay respect in 1954. Burmese people go to pay respect to Khwaen Pagoda since there happened a wonder. There is a tale which says that there were three hermits meditating for many years. They had the opportunity to meet the Buddha and get three hairs of the Buddha. Since the three hairs are very sacred and should not lie on the floor, the three hermits carried the three hairs on their heads. Whoever would pass away first, the hair which belonged to the hermit who passed away, should be kept on the head of one of the two others. When two hermits passed away, there was only one hermit left. The hermit who was still alive asked himself who would keep those three hairs if he would pass away? His thoughts reached Indra in heaven, and Indra went down to meet the hermit and dove into Eravady River. He took a stone out and made a hole in it. The hermit gave the three hairs to Indra, who put the three hairs into the hole of the stone and hung the stone on a mountain. The place was called "In Khwaen Pagoda" which means that "the Indra hung the Pagoda on the mountain". Khwaen means "hang on", because the stone was not attached to the ground. In former times, a chicken could walk through the hole between the stone and the ground, even people could put bamboo into the hole. When a king of Burma heard these news he built a small stupa around the hole. According to the people there, the stone is getting heavier and heavier now, because in the present days many people are sinful, so that it is attached to the ground at last.

Original material consists of: silver gelatine DOP print.