Buddhist ceremony [2004]

Chairmen of The 5th Conference of Lao Buddhist Sangha in Vientiane from 10th to 12th June in B.E. 2547 (C.E. 2004). From left to right: Phra Ajan Saly Kantasilo of Vat Sok Pa Luang, Member of Lao Buddhist Fellowship Organization, Chief monk of Dhamma Propagation Section, Sathou Nyai Khamchan Virachitta Mahathera of Vat Saen Sukharam, Chief monk of the Provincial Buddhist Fellowship Organization of Luang Prabang, Phra Ajan Nyai Dr. Maha Vichit Singharat of Vat That Luang Neua, Supreme Patriarch of Lao Buddhist Fellowship Organization, Phra Ajan Maha Phong Samaleuk of Vat Ong Teu, Member of Lao Buddhist Fellowship Organization, Phra Ajan Bouakham Salibout of Vat Khua Luang Neua, Member of Lao Buddhist Fellowship Organization and Unidentified Phra Ajan.

Original material consists of: chromogenic print.