Lay people [1876]

King Mahintharathephathone (King Luang Oun Kham). He is a son of King Manthaturat, a father of King Luang Khamsouk (King Sackkarin), a grandfather of King Sisavangvong, and a great grandfather of King Sisavangvatthana. He was born in 1178 C.S. (C.E. 1816), he was coronated in 1238 C.S. (C.E. 1876) at the age of 57, and he passed away in 1257 C.S. (C.E. 1895) at the age of 79.This photo was taken when he has coronated in 1238 C.S. (C.E. 1876) at the age of 57.(This photo is the same collection of B0419).

Original material consists of: silver gelatine DOP print.