Monk individual portrait [1970]

The picture of Phra Rajakhouluang Phonsamek (Chao Rajakhou Khihome), the Supreme Patriarch of Kingdom of Champasack between C.E. 1600-1700. He was born in B.E. 2154 (C.E. 1631) and passed away in B.E. 2263 (C.E. 1720) at the age of 85.Prints by Phra Theprattanamoli (Keo Outhommala), the abbot of Vat Phra That Phanom and the chief monk of Buddhist Sangha of Nakorn Phanom province, Thailand. Printing for distribution on 60th Anniversary of his birthday celebration in B.E. 2513 (C.E. 1970).

Original material consists of: colour halftone print.