Secretary of State Dulles, Vice President Nixon, Chief of Protocol Simmons greet President William V. S. Tubman followed by Aide de Camp, Brigadier General Brewer [1954]

Visits of state, Arrivals & departures, Salutations. Purse, Victor, U.S. Deputy Chief of Protocol; Dulles, John Foster, Secretary of State of the United States; Simmons, John Farr, U.S. Chief of Protocol; Tubman, William V. S., President of Liberia; Brewer, Robert Alexander, U.S. Aide de Camp, Brigadier General; Nixon, Richard, Vice President of the United States. Washington, D.C., District of Columbia, United States of America, North and Central America.

Format of original material: 8 x 10 inch Black & White Print. Photographer: unknown. Publisher/Agency: Orphan work.