The stone sculpture Negative

A negative black and white image of an engraved stone work of an deity, with six hands holding varities of arms in his four hands and in right side of his 5th hand is in his hip and 6th hand of his left is holding some long strick looks like bow holding and rising his hand in the top. To his down left side there is a lion standing behind him. To the down right there is a person in kneeling possition. To the back side of the engraved single piece stone we could find two heaps of paddy straw and some tall palm trees. These are placed in an open field. Size and dimensions of original material: Height 6 cm, width 6 cm. Condition of original material: Deteriorated and discolored. Country of Origin: India. Related regions: Tamil Nadu : Nilgiri. Related towns/cities: Kotagiri.