Methodist Evangelical Church - North Mission

The paper page includes 3 photographs of missionaries of the Evangelical Methodist Church. Explaining text is attached to each photograph. First photograph (at the top side): ‘Първата конференция на пастирите и книгопродавците в 1876 г.І-ия ред: Д-р Д.С. Чалис, Д-р Алберт Л. Лонг, Флокен, Лаунсбърг; 2-ия ред: Юрд. Цветков, Бойнов, .., Гавр. Илиев, …, Ст. Гечев, …, Тод. Николов. М/у тях е Теню Начев от Ст. Загора, отпосле от бивш народняк и нар. представител, съдър. и соб. на кино Капитол и хотел “Барле“ София’; Transliteration: ‘Pŭrvata konferentsiya na pastirite i knigoprodavtsite (Ruse, 22. ÍV. 1876 g.) Íiya red: D-r D.S. Chalis, D-r Albert L. Long, Floken, Launsbŭrg; 2-iya red: Yurd. Tsvetkov, Boĭnov,.., Gavr. Iliev, …, Stefan Gechev, …, Tod. Nikolov. M/u tyakh e Tenyu Nachev ot St. Zagora, otposle ot bivsh narodnyak i nar. predstavitel, sŭdŭr. i sob. na kino Kapitol i khotel “Barle“ Sofia’; Translation: ‘The First Conference of the Pastors and Booksеllers (Ruse, 22 of April, 1876) 1st row: Dr. D. S. Chalis, Dr. Albert L. Long, Flocken, Launchesburg; 2nd row: Yurd.Tsvetkov, Boynov, …, Gavr. Iliev, ..., St. Gechev, ..., Tod. Nikolov. Among them is Tenyu Nachev of Stara Zagora, a former member of the People's Party and MP, owner of the Capitol Cinema and Barle Hotel, Sofia ’.Second photograph (at the bottom left side): ‘Мисионерите в март 1869 г., г. ред от лево към десно: Ванлес в Русе, Лонг в Цариград; книжарите и проповедници: Гаврил Илиев в Свищов, Петър Мусевич в Серес’; Transliteration: ‘Misionerite in mart 1869 g. g. red ot levo kŭm desno: Vanles v Ruse, Long v Tsarigrad; knizhari i propovednitsi: Gavril Iliev v Svishtov, Petŭr Musevich v Seres’; Translation: ‘The missionaries in March1869: (from left to right top row) Vannles in Ruse, Long in Constantinople; bookers and preachers: Gavril Iliev in Svishtov, Petar Musevich in Seres’. Third photograph (at the bottom right side): ‘Мисионера Д. С. Чалис и съпругата му’; Transliteration: ‘Misionera D. S. Chalis i sŭprugata mu’; Translation: ‘The missionary D.S. Challis and his wife’. Extent: 1 paper page with 3 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; medium quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.