
The paper page includes 4 photographs of Ruevski family who were followers of the Methodist church in the town of Svishtov. Explaining text including personal names, place and time is attached to each photograph. First photograph (at the top left side): ‘Атанас Ст. Руевски. р. 1867 г. поч. 1912 г. убит в Балк. война. Завърш. Търг. Гимназия, Свищов, Военното у-ще офицер’; Transliteration: ‘Atanas St. Ruevski. r. 1867 g. poch. 1912 g. ubit v Balk. voĭna. Zavŭrsh. Tŭrg. Gimnaziya, Svishtov, Voennoto u-shte ofitser’; Translation: 'Atanas St. Ruevski born in 1867 and died in 1912, killed in the Balkan War. He graduated the Commercial School in Svishtov, the Military School, Officer'.Second photograph (at the top right side): ‘Данаил Ст. Руевски с семейството ф. VІІ. 1912 г.’; Transliteration: ‘Danail St. Ruevski s semeĭstvoto f. VÍÍ. 1912 g.;Translation: ‘ Danail St. Ruevski with family, photographed in July 1912’.Third photograph (at the bottom left side): ‘Апостол Руевски. Митана Стоян Руевска, майка на 14 деца, поч. 1910, Рую Ст. Руевски – юноша’; Transliteration: ‘‘Apostol Ruevski. Mitana Stoyan Ruevska, maĭka na 14 detsa, poch. 1910, Ruyu St. Ruevski – yunosha’; Translation: ‘Apostol Ruevski. Mitana Stoyan Ruevska, mother of 14 children, died in 1910. Ruyu St. Ruevski – adolescent’. Fourth photograph (at the bottom right side): ‘Данаил Ст. Руевски. р. 1860 г. поч. 1925 г. зав. Роберт Колеж и Богословие в С.Щ. Бил 3 години учител в Сандвичеви Острови, бивш дирек. Държ. Печатница, подпр. Търг. камара’; Transliteration: ‘Danail St. Ruevski. r. 1860 g. poch. 1925 g. zav. Robert Kolezh i Bogoslovie v S.SHT. Bil 3 godini uchitel v Sandvichevi Ostrovi, bivsh direk. Dŭrzh. Pechatnitsa, podpr. Tŭrg. kamara; Translation: ‘'Daniel St. Ruievski was born in 1860 and died in 1925. He graduated from Robert College and Theology in the United States. He was a teacher in Southern Sandwich Islands for 3 years. Former director of State Printing House, he also works in the Chamber of Commerce’. Extent: 1 paper page with 4 photographs. Condition of original material: The top right corner is torn; medium quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.