Methodist Evangelical Church - North Mission

The paper page includes 3 photographs of followers of the Evangelical Methodist Church. Explaining text including personal names, place and time is attached to each photograph. First photograph (at the top side): ‘Класът на свършивште на ‘Дрюсеминари в Ню Йорк (corrected to New Jersey) през 1889 г. Най-крайният в ляво на горния ред е д-р Е.Е. Каунт, а четврътия от лево на най-долния ред е п-р Марин Делчев’; Transliteration: ‘Klasŭt na svŭrshivsh·te na ‘Dryuseminari v Nyu Ĭork (corrected to New Jersey) prez 1889 g. Naĭ-kraĭniyat v lyavo na gorniya red e d-r E.E. Kaunt, a chetvrŭtiya ot levo na naĭ-dolniya red e p-r Marin Delchev’; Translation: 'The class of graduates of the Drew Seminary in New York (corrected to New Jersey) in 1889. On the very left of the upper row is Dr. E. E. Kaunt, and the fourth man from the left in the lower row is Dr. Marin Delchev'; Second photograph – a portrait (at the bottom side): ‘Цветан Цветанов, Лом, род. 1868 г., поч. 1959 г., ф. 1890 г.; Transliteration: ‘Tsvetan Tsvetanov, Lom, rod. 1868 g., poch. 1959 g., f. 1890 g.’; Translation:‘Tsvetan Tsvetanov, Lom, b. 1868 - d. 1959, photographed in 1890’; Third photograph a portait (at the bottom right side): ‘София Прока, първата съпруга на Цв. Цветанов’; Transliteration: ‘Sofiya Proka, pŭrvata sŭpruga na Tsv. Tsvetanov’; Translation: ‘Sofiya Proka, the first wife of Tsv. Tsvetanov’. Extent: 1 paper page with 3 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; low and medium quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.