Methodist Evangelical Church - North Mission

The paper page includes 4 photographs – a portrait of Petar Danov, dedicated to his friend Petar Vassilev; a photograph of the back of the Petar Danov’s portrait which is a handwritten dedication; a portait of Rev. D.C. Challis pastor and a photograph of his family. Explaining text is attached and handwritten. First photograph – a portrait of Petar Danov (at the top left side): ‘Петър К. Дънов, 1888 г.’; Transliteration: ‘Petŭr K. Dŭnov, 1888 g.’; Translation: ‘Petar K. Danov, 1888’. Second photograph – dedication handwritten text (at the top right side); ’Русе, априлий 1, 1888 г. В знак на приятелска и братска любов в Исуса подарявам за спомен лика си на П. Василев. Помнете в Христа, понеже в него ще живеем за всякош и ще се радваме. Блажени онези души, които са съединени с Христовата любов. Ваш брат и приятел в Христа П.К. Дънов’, ‘Русе, април 1888, отправено до П. Василев от П. К. Дънов’; Transliteration: ’Ruse, apriliĭ 1, 1888 g. V znak na priyatelska i brat·ska lyubov v Isusa podaryavam za spomen lika si na P.Vasilev. Pomnete v Khrista, ponezhe v nego shte zhiveem za vsyakosh i shte se radvame. Blazheni onezi dushi, koito sa sŭedineni s Khristovata lyubov. Vash brat i priyatel v Khrista P.K. Dŭnov’, ‘Ruse, april 1888, otpraveno do P. Vasilev ot P. K. Dŭnov’; Translation: 'Rousse, April 1, 1888. In a sign of friendly and brotherly love in Jesus, I give my portrait to P. Vassilev as a memory. Remember the Christ, because we will live in Him for everyone and we will be happy. Blessed are those souls who are united with Christ's love. Your brother and friend in Christ P. K. Danov', Ruse, April 1888, addressed to P. Vassilev from P.K. Danov'.Third photograph (at the bottom left side) (In English): ‘Unionville-Methodist Episcopal Church Michigan’. Fourth photograph (at the bottom right side): ‘Сем. Д-р Давид С. Чалис, г-жа, деца – Фани, Берта и Еди’; Transliteration: ‘Sem. D-r David S. Chalis, g-zha, detsa – Fani, Berta i Edi’; Translation: ‘Dr. David S. Challis family, his wife and children – Fani, Berta, Eddy’. Extent: 1 paper page with 4 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; medium and low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.