Vidin and Vrazta

The paper page includes 5 photographs of the followers the Evangelical Methodist Church in Vidin and Vratsa. Explaining text including personal names, place and time is attached to each photograph. First photograph (at the top left side): ‘Рожден. Търгество-Видин 1901 г.’; Transliteration: ‘Rozhden. Tŭrgestvo-Vidin 1901 g.’; Translation: ‘Christmas Celebration-Vidin, 1901’. Second photograph (in the middle left side): ‘Семейството на Херцел от Женева гост в Видин и учителките от Лов. Амер. У-ще Ривс и Александер 1932 г.’; Transliteration: ‘Semeĭstvoto na Khertsel ot Zheneva gost v Vidin i uchitelkite ot Lov. Amer. U-shte Rivs i Aleksander 1932 g.’; Translation: ‘A visit of the The Hertzel family and of the Reevs and Alexander teachers from the Lovech Amercina School in Vidin, 1932’. Third photograph (at the bottom left side): ‘В Видин П-р К. Йотов и членови 13. V. 1934’; Transliteration: ‘V Vidin P-r K. Ĭotov i chlenovi 13. V. 1934’; Translation: ‘Pastor K. Yotov and members in Vidin, 13 May 1934’. Fourth photograph (at the top right side): ‘Капитан Мл. Попов от 36. П.полко, Орехово, Враца, 7, авг. 1905 г.’; Transliteration: ‘Kapitan Ml. Popov ot 36. P.polko, Orekhovo, Vratsa, 7, avg. 1905 g.’; Translation: ‘Captain Ml. Popov from Oryahovo, Vratsa, 7 Aug. 1905’; Fourth photograph (at the bottom right side): ‘Нед. Училище в Видин 1932/33 г.’; Transliteration: ‘Ned. Uchilishte v Vidin 1932/33 g.’; Translation: ‘Sunday School in Vidin 1932/1933’. Extent: 1 paper page with 5 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; medium and low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.