
The paper page includes 4 photographs of Evangelists from the city Ruse. The text in Bulgarian under the photographs contains their personal names; place and time. First photograph (at the top left side): ‘ф. Чам Кория /Боровец/ 1928 г. Група русенци: П-р Ст. Скулев, Дим. и Надя Каралашеви и Невянка Сендова’; Transliterated ‘f. Cham Koriya /Borovets/ 1928 g. Grupa rusentsi: P-r St. Skulev, Dim. i Nadya Karalashevi i Nevyanka Sendova’; Translated: ‘fotographed in Chamkoriya / Borovets / 1928. A group from Ruse: Pastor. St. Skoulev, Dim. and Nadia Karalashevi and Nevyanka Sendova'. Second photograph (at the top right side): ‘Надя Каралашева, Лунка Цветанова, П-р Цв. Цветанов, Венета Тачева, Дим. Каралашев, Самоков 1938’; Transliterated: ‘Nadya Karalasheva, Lunka Tsvetanova, P-r Tsv. Tsvetanov, Veneta Tacheva, Dim. Karalashev, Samokov 1938’; Translated: ‘Nadya Karalasheva, Lunka Tsvetanova, Pastor Tsv. Tsvetanov, Veneta Tacheva, Dim. Karalashev, Samokov 1938’. Third photograph (at the bottom left side): ‘Аделина Х. Иванова по мъж сега Маркова, р. 20. II. 1916, ф. 1932 г. Русе’; Transliterated: ‘Adelina Kh. Ivanova po mŭzh sega Markova, r. 20. II. 1916, f. 1932 g. Ruse’; Translated: ‘Adelina H. Ivanova by husband’s family name now Markova, born in 20 Feb 1916, photographed 1932 in Ruse’. Fourth photograph (at the bottom right side): ‘Атанас Нурев, дъщеря Надя Нурева, г-жа Нурева’; Transliterated: ‘Atanas Nurev, dŭshterya Nadya Nureva, g-zha Nureva’;Translated: 'Atanas Nurev, daughter Nadia Nureva, Mrs. Nureva'. Extent: 1 paper page with 4 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photographs; medium and low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.