Methodist Evangelical Church - Sofia

The paper page includes 4 portraits of followers of the Evangelical Methodist Church. Explaining text including personal names, place and time is attached to each photograph. First photograph (at the top left side): ‘Атанас Ковачев, р. 26.9.1883 г., поч. 19.6.1967 г., бивш член на М.Е.Ц. Русе, зав. Консерватория в Одеса, апелмайстор в Ямбол, Стара Загора, Дупниця, Пловдив; Transliteration: ‘Atanas Kovachev, r. 26.9.1883 g., poch. 19.6.1967 g., bivsh chlen na M.E.TS. Ruse, zav. Konservatoriya v Odesa, apelmaĭstor v Yambol, Stara Zagora, Dupnitsya, Plovdiv’; Translation: ‘Atanas Kovachev, born on 26 Sept 1883 and died on 19 June 1967. A former member of the Methodist Evangelical Church in Ruse; graduated Odessa Conservatory; Kapell-master in Yambol, Stara Zagora, Dupnitsa, Plovdiv’. Second photograph (at the top right side): ‘Владимир Н. Бояджиев, 16 годишен като ученик в С.’; Transliteration: ‘Vladimir N. Boyadzhiev, 16 godishen kato uchenik v S.’; Translation: ‘Vladimir N. Boyadzhiev, 16 years old as a student in Sofia. Third photograph (at the bottom left side): ‘Никола Вл. Бояджиев, род. 9.І.1925 г., поч. ІІІ. 1949 г., Завр. ІІІ м. гимназия – кл – отд. Преди това прогимназията на г-жа Узръф; Transliteration: ‘Nikola Vl. Boyadzhiev, rod. 9.Í.1925 g., poch. ÍÍÍ. 1949 g., Zavr. ÍÍÍ m. gimnaziya – kl – otd. Predi tova progimnaziyata na g-zha Uzrŭf’; Translation: ‘Nikola Vl. Boyadzhiev, born on January 9, 1925, died in March, 1949; graduated from classical section of the Third Male High School, and before that Mrs Uzruff’s junior high school’. Fourth photograph (at the bottom right side): ‘Никола Вл. Бояджиев вече предава ангийски уроци частно’; Transliteration: Nikola Vl. Boyadzhiev veche predava angiĭski urotsi chastno’; Translation: ‘Nikola Vl. Boyadzhiev already teaching private lessons in English. Extent: 1 paper page with 4 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; medium quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.