
The paper page includes 2 photographs of the Methodist mission in the village of Voyvodovo where ethnic Bulgarians and Czechs where involved. On the first photograph (at the top side) is written in Czech language: ‘Evg. B. Meth. kaple ve Voyvodovo u roku 1907 Lednai‘; Translation: Evg. B. Meth. Chapel in Voyvodovo in 1907 Lednai’. Under the second photograph (at the bottom side) is attached a text in Bulgarian typewritten and handwritten: ‘Във с. Войводово 1946 г.’ ‘Окръжна конференция предс. Янко Иванов’; Transliteration: ‘Vŭv s. Voĭvodovo 1946 g.’ ‘Okrŭzhna konferentsiya preds. Yanko Ivanov’; Translation: ‘In the village of Voyvodovo, 1946’, ‘Regional Conference, chairmain Yanko Ivanov’. Extent: 1 paper page with 2 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The history of ownership is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.