
The paper page includes 3 photographs. Under the first one, at top side, the attached note in Bulgarian is the following: 'На гости у арменския дом - Аветаранян - мисионер за турците - членовете на мет. ев. църква в Шумен 1905'; transliterated 'Na gosti u armenskiya dom Avetaranyan - misioner za turtsite - chlenovete na met. ev. tsŭrkva v Shumen 1905'; translated 'At Armenian home Avetaraniyan - a missionary for the Turks - the members of Methodist Evangelical Church in Shumen'. The note under the second photopgraph (at the bottom left side) has the following explaining text in Bulgarian: 'Младежко Християнско движение в Шумен 1922 g.'; transliterated 'Mladezhko Khristiyansko dvizhenie v Shumen 1922 g.'; translated: 'Youth Christian Movement in Shumen 1922'. Under the third photo (at the bottom right side) the following text in Bulgarian is attached: 'Пастир Симеон Д. Попов в Шумен'; transliterated 'Pastir Simeon D. Popov v Shumen'; translated 'Pastor Simeon D. Popov v Shumen' (the year 1922 additionaly handwritten is not right). Extent: 1 page with 3 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photographs; medium and low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.