
The paper page includes 3 photographs of followers of the Evangelical Methodist Church in the village of Mladenovo (former name Golintsi), now a quarter of Lom. Explaining text including personal names, place and time is attached to each photograph. First photograph (at the top side): ‘Семейство п-р Петър Василев Лом- 1904 г.’; Transliteration: Semeĭstvo p-r Petŭr Vasilev Lom- 1904 g.’; Translation: ‘Family of the pastor Petar Vasilev, Lom, 1904’. Second photograph (at the bottom left side): ‘Бошко Иванчев от Младеново – махалата /Голинци/’; Transliteration: ‘Boshko Ivanchev ot Mladenovo – makhalata /Golintsi/’; Translation: 'Bosko Ivanchev from Mladenovo - neighborhood /Golintsi /; Third photograph (at the bottom right side): ‘ Лом-Голинци-селската църква’; Transliteration: ‘Lom-Golintsi-selskata tsŭrkva’; Translation: ‘Lom-Golintsi-the village church’. Extent: 1 paper page with 3 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; medium and low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown. Additional date information: Late 19th century-1st half of the 20th century.