Methodist Evangelical Church - North Mission

The paper page includes 3 photographs related to the Evangelical Methodist Mission in Bulgaria. Explaining text is attached to each photograph. First photograph (at the top left side): ‘Мис. Надз. А. Прач в кабинета си’; Transliteration: ‘Mis. Nadz. A. Prach v kabineta si’; Translation: ‘The missionary Overseer A. Prach in his office’. Second photograph (at the top right side): ‘Циганския мисионер Ецлер швейцарец, п-р Янко Иванов, п-р Г. Сивриев и г-жа, Панко, п-р циганин и жена му’; Transliteration: ‘Tsiganskiya misioner Etsler shveĭtsarets, p-r Yanko Ivanov, p-r G. Sivriev i g-zha, Panko, p-r tsiganin i zhena mu’; Translation: ‘The Swiss Gypsy missionary Etsler, Pastor Yanko Ivanov, Pastor G. Sivriev and his wife, The Gypsy Pastor Panko and his wife’. Third photograph (at the bottom side): ‘Епископ Гарбър, п-р Я. Иванов, пълнмир Д. Илиев, секр. Мин. Вачев, п-р Я. Иванов, п-р Г. Цветанов’; Transliteration: ‘Episkop Garbŭr, p-r YA. Ivanov, pŭlnmir D. Iliev, sekr. Min. Vachev, p-r YA. Ivanov, p-r G. Tsvetanov’; Translation: ‘Bishop Garber, pastor Y. Ivanov, D. Iliev, Min. Vachev, pastor G. Tsvetanov’. Extent: 1 paper page with 3 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; medium and low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.