
The paper page includes 3 photographs. The first one on top left side is a portrait. Under the photograph, the explaining text in Bulgarian is following: 'Димитър Попов. Библейски книгопродавец. род. поч.'; transliterated 'Dimitŭr Popov. Bibleĭski knigoprodavet͡s. rod.poch.'; translated 'Dimitar Popov. Bible book salesman. born ...died...'. Under the second photograph, on the top right side, the attached note in Bulgarian is following: 'Сем. п-р Сим. Попов. Войводово.1946'; transliterated 'Sem. p-r Sim. Popov. Voĭvodovo.1946'; translated 'Pastor Simeon Popov family. Voyvodovo. 1946'. Under the third photograph, the text in Bulgarian is following: 'Във Шумен 1908 г.'; transliterated 'In Sumen 1908 g.'; translated 'In Shumen 1908'. Extent: 1 page with 3 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; medium quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.